Direct mail is the most effective way to reach out to new consumers and retain those that you already have. Many insurance companies use postcards or letters, and some also purchase lists for local distribution. They also utilize lead-generation mailers, telemarketing, and television or radio advertising. If you're an insurance company, consider using direct mail to improve your sales. Using the right type of direct mail can make all the difference. Here are a few ways to improve your direct mail marketing.

First, personalize your mailers. Print your customers' names on the envelope, mailing address, and in strategic places inside the direct mail piece. A recent study showed that 75% of consumers act immediately after receiving a direct mail piece that contains their name. In addition to a personalized message, include your customer's age, location, and gender in your direct mail marketing. By incorporating these details, your customers will be much more likely to buy from you and become a new customer.
Personalized mails are important, but they should also include the right messages and offer special offers. If your target readers don't open your mailer, it's pointless to send it. Also, you should take care of the hygiene of your mailing lists. If you don't keep an updated list of leads, you're doing yourself a disservice. Outsourcing these tasks can save you a lot of time and energy.