When sending out direct mail, an average response rate is the best possible result. However, there are several factors that you can do to increase this number. First, you should make sure your offer is attractive enough for your audience to respond. A sweet offer will encourage more readers to take action, but too good an offer will turn off bad prospects. Moreover, a low response rate will have a negative impact on your results. Secondly, the offer must be easy to spot when the mailpiece is being scanned. This will help the audience to quickly scan the information and determine whether or not they are interested. This will help you to increase your response rate.

Response rates vary widely from industry to industry. Research from Forbes shows that an average response rate for household lists is 42%, while the average response rate for prospects is 4.9%. Direct mail response rates are even higher for oversized envelopes, as they are more likely to be opened. And if you don't want to send a physical postcard, you can send a letter to a random list of individuals and then compare the results. Using this method will give you a clearer idea of which methods are most effective for your company.
An average response rate for direct mail is between five and two percent. That means that out of every 100 pieces sent, approximately two to four will be responded to and half of those will take action. The higher your average response rate is, the more likely you'll have more customers take action. The DMA's annual survey on marketing response rates breaks down response rates by list type. A list that contains current customers is the best place to start.